Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's All Over But The Waiting...And I Hate Waiting!!!

Ok, so there's this job I want. No, check that...there's this job I really, really want. I got a heads-up from a former instructor/occasional employer about this dream gig in Utah. The Canyons Resort in Park City is hiring a blogger for a four-month tour of duty starting January 1. Basically, I would go to the resort, experience everything they have to offer (on their dime...too cool), and write about my adventures at least four times a week.

Sounds easy, no?

I think it sounds awesome. Not just, "You're coming to the party, right? That's awesome!" I mean truly, deeply, on a fundamental level AWESOME. This is the kind of job a writer waits for his entire life. Or her entire life. I'm not sexist, really. All someone has to do to apply (aside from proving they can write entertaining articles) is submit a 2-minute video and a written travel blog. Piece of cake. Already finished, already sent off. But here's the gremlin in the blender: The interview process doesn't begin for another six weeks.


But have faith, true believers. There is something you can do in the meantime. This small little task, this teeny, tiny favor, solves two problems. The first is how someone like yourself can view the aforementioned video; once I submitted mine, it became the property of the resort. But since I know you're dying to see what your ol' buddy Shawn can come up with to sell himself, like I said, this favor helps you find out.

The second problem is one of recognition. In order to help land the job, I'll need people (like you) to raise their hands and scream at the heavens, "We want Shawn Harper to have this job and no one else!!!!" (Trust me, if you're shouting to the heavens, you need that many exclamation points.) So how, the beloved followers of this humble blog may well ask, can we both accept the duty of this favor AND see Shawn make a fool of himself for a gloriously wonderful job?

Simple. Tell them I should have the job. As I understand it, at some point they will be posting the application videos on their website for people to see and vote on. Not sure when that's going to happen, but when it does, all y'all will be about the 9,000th to know. For now, just go here if you're interested in seeing and learning more about the resort itself. There's a ton of great stuff there, so be sure to hit all the nooks & crannies. This will also give you a better idea of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I'll be getting myself into when I get the job. (Think positive, think positive, think positive...)

So that's what I need. When the time comes, I'd appreciate your vote. And your friend's vote. And your doctor's vote, and your dry cleaner's vote, and your...well, you get the idea. The deadline for submission is Nov. 15, so there's still a lot of time left before I'll know anything for certain. After that, it'll be a couple of weeks before I get an interview (still thinking positive...), and a couple more after that before I'm told I got the job.

Like I said earlier...groan.

I figure since I'm done with the application, and because I've been talking about it like mad to everyone around me until they're ready to strangle me with a busted shoelace, I should go ahead and tell folks what's going on. Appreciate the support, as always. And please, you can see who's following me here and who's not. If you would spread the word and get all those slackers to come over here and join up, I would be eternally grateful. Well, maybe not 'eternally.' How about "I'll be grateful until the end of the year, then you're on your own?" True, that's a wee bit shorter than eternity, but it is more realistic. If you can think of someone else who might get a chuckle out of my ramblin's, send them over too.

Later, gators

P.S. - You're still picturing the "gremlin in the blender" bit, aren't you?


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